Yoga has been evolving for thousands of years. Those awesome physical exercises that we use in your videos, those have only been around for a few hundred years. It’s hard to imagine Buddha doing a downward dog or a warrior pose. Actually, it’s hard to imagine Buddha doing anything other than a buddha pose.
That’s why when it comes to breaking down these seemingly ridiculous yoga trends, we’re going to put away our judgy face (we’re yogis after all), and we’ll put it to you instead: what do you think of these new yoga trends? Which one is the next big thing?
1. Yoga Trance
We’re all about dancing around in a hot dessert, but we thought that was what Burning Man was for. Joking aside, living in the present, expanding your range of motion, and getting in some cardiovascular exercise are things you’ll get out of a traditional yoga class too. What do you guys think?
2. Face Yoga
Does this mean someone is going to make yoga pants for your face? While we’re not entirely sure if this video is real or not, it does make you realize that there are some pretty goofy looking yoga poses out there – even in traditional yoga. But as long as they work and have scientifically proven benefits, who cares what you look like, right?
3. Motorcycle Yoga
We’ve all heard of paddle boarding yoga, which go together like white on rice, but did you know that you can do yoga on a motorcycle too? How did you think James Dean got that body? Sounds relaxing? We think so too.
4. Doga
When the gurus told us to practice downward dog, is this what they meant? Criminals, mailmen, and pizza delivery guys take note – fluffy is going to be a lot more limber now.
5. Dungeons and Dragons Yoga
Here is how to meet that special someone of your dreams. Someone who is as down with downward dog as they are with D&D. Now can someone please combine yoga with monopoly?
Bonus! Yay. (who doesn’t love bonuses) Spray On Yoga Pants
Okay, so maybe this one isn’t real. But we couldn’t resist : )